From Part-Time to Pro: Marija’s Inspiring Marketing Journey at Pluma Studios

We are on a mission to shed a spotlight on every team member of Pluma Studios, to show appreciation and give some behind-the-scenes details of their roles and responsibilities. In this piece, we had a chat with Marija Brkić, Pluma Studios’ Head of Marketing.

Join us as we delve into Marija’s fast-evolving career path, exploring her daily routine, the challenges she embraces, and the unique blend of humor and positivity that she brings to the office.

1. Being the Head of Marketing sounds like a whirlwind of responsibilities and tasks! Can you give us a behind-the-scenes look at what your role entails? What key responsibilities do you juggle daily, and how do you keep everything on track?

Well, it is a whirlwind, but a whimsical whirlwind (how very copywriter-y of me). Basically, as Head of Marketing, I’m the go-to person for all things marketing and communications. Right now, my job consists of a bit of everything – paid advertising, social media management, copywriting, campaign planning, analytics and budgeting.

“It’s a constant battle between creative tasks and crunching numbers, which is great because it feeds both my imaginative and analytical side.”

And how do I keep everything going smoothly? I couldn’t handle it all without my team, of course. We also have a task management system that helps me stay organized. However, deep down, I am a pen-and-paper kind of girl.

2. You became Head of Marketing in just three years working at Pluma Studios, which is quite an achievement! Can you give us a timeline of your journey?

It’s been quite a journey, I’ll say that. I actually started as a part-time student in mid 2021, handling customer support and influencers. That role changed veeery quickly, in just a month or so when many tasks opened up, and I was willing to learn to do them. Somewhere along the way, I suppose I did learn. And grow.

My growth within the company can be attributed to a plethora of reasons, but I’ll name two that seem most relevant – I’ve always had a need to prove myself as an employee and I was always met with a team of superiors willing to not only push me into new challenges, but guide me through them as well.

3. What are the most exciting and challenging aspects of your job, and how do you keep yourself motivated and inspired through it all?

For me, the challenging aspects ARE the exciting ones. I love a launch of a new book, I thrive in the pre-holiday rush, I enjoy reinventing our brand on a daily basis and finding a new angle of communication we haven’t explored yet.

As for what motivates me, it’s the fact that my job has measurable results (such as book sales and profit), but also brings immeasurable joy to people, especially to children. Every time I read a thoughtful message or review, it motivates me to be even better at what I do so more people can feel that same joy.

4. You’re known for being a beacon of positivity and humor in the office. How do you keep such an upbeat attitude, even on the most challenging days?

First of all, as a self-proclaimed funniest person in my friend group, I appreciate the compliment. But believe me, I don’t keep an upbeat attitude all the time. It’s impossible to stay happy-go-lucky all the time, but I never let the negative outweigh the positive.

“Over the years, I learned that the majority of issues can be solved with timely planning, a can-do attitude and a sense of humor. And a good team around you.”

Luckily, I don’t just have a good team, but a great one (they laugh at my jokes so that’s what makes them extra great).

5. Can you describe a typical workday for you? What are the first tasks you tackle, and how do you prioritize your workload?

My typical work day starts at 7 in the morning. And while the term „girl dinner“ is a current trend, I am a big proponent of „girl breakfast“ – I eat the most unusual food combos in the morning, like pickles and peanut butter. I then have my coffee as I read through emails. My morning wouldn’t be complete without looking at the results of our current Meta and Google ads.

If everything is running smoothly, I check up on the rest of my tasks on my to-do list, I annoy my colleagues, I have meetings and so on and so forth. If, however, I am met with a bumpy road, I firstly try to do some crisis management as best as I can, while I’m still clear-headed and buzzed from my coffee and, I guess, pickles.

6. And what about after work? How do you transition from your workday to personal time? Can you share some after-work routines or activities that help you unwind and recharge, maintaining a work-life balance?

Well, at work I type and talk a lot, so I try not to type or talk so much within the first hour of coming home. But my energy levels are still high, so I usually go to the gym after work, I grab a drink with friends or I cook and bake while listening to podcasts.

However, my biggest charging station after a hard day are my nieces and nephews. Although, they often leave me more exhausted than the gym.

7. Our desks often reveal a lot about our personalities and work habits. Do you thrive with a meticulously organized workspace, or do you find your creativity flourishes in a bit of organized chaos? Can you share some items that are always within arm’s reach?

I would say that my desk is usually pretty tidy, with a few snacks here and there, but I can’t deny that it can get a little cluttered from time to time, depending on the stress levels. When it gets too messy, I do a big „spring-clean“ and get it organized quickly.

As for my desk essentials, there is only one thing I have to have (other than my laptop and phone) – and that is water, usually ice-cold and in a biggest glass I could find. If that glass of water isn’t at my desk, you can be sure I’m either working from home or on vacation.

8. If you could have any superpower to enhance your work life, what would it be and why? How would it transform your daily tasks and overall effectiveness?

What a fun question. I never thought about it, but I guess I would like to clone myself sometimes because delegating tasks doesn’t come naturally to me. My assistant Larisa is pretty great though – I could say that I got my superpower after hiring her because we are so similar.

9. Where do you envision yourself in the next five years? What are your dreams and aspirations, both professionally and personally?

I never like to plan and envision life so far ahead, because I found that life has a way of surprising you either for better or worse, so there is no way you can be prepared for what’s to come. All I know is that, professionally, I would like to see Pluma Studios grow within the next five years, and I want to grow within the company as well.

When I look back on the past three years, I learned so a lot and had so much fun. I can’t wait to see how much more I can learn and how fun the following five years will be.

10. If you had to sum up what it’s like working at Pluma Studios to a total stranger in just three words, what would they be?

Only 3 words? Have you met me? Ok, if I have to use 3 words, they would be: an extraordinary experience.