Terms and Conditions of Use

1. Introduction

Welcome to the web pages of the trading company Pluma studios d.o.o. We hope that your stay on our website will be pleasant and useful and that you will be satisfied with our service.

These Terms and Conditions of Use on the Pluma studios website (hereinafter: Terms of Use) refer to the use of the Pluma studios d.o.o. website, i.e. the web domain www.plumastudios.hr.

The purpose and goal of the campaign, that is, of this website, is to promote reading to children from an early age. Through this website, you can read articles and advice from experts and get information about useful facts related to promoting reading to children from an early age.

The advice and recommendations of individuals that you can read on the page are of an informative nature only, and you use them at your own risk.

The owner of the Pluma studios website is the trading company Pluma studios d.o.o., Zagreb, Nova cesta 151 (hereinafter “Pluma studios”, “We”).

1.1. Use and modifications

Pluma studios websites may be used for your private use without any usage fees, subject to these Terms of Use.

By using the Pluma studios website, you agree to comply with the stated rules and conditions.

Please read this document carefully before using the Pluma studios website and before signing up for the Newsletter list. By using these pages and signing up for the Newsletter list, you agree that you have read, understood and agreed with these Terms of Use. You can save the terms of use on your computer or print them by clicking on the ‘print’ icon on your browser.

If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, please do not use this site.

Please note that we reserve the right to modify the Terms of Use and that you should review them periodically. If any change to the Terms of Use is unacceptable to you, you should stop using these pages. If you do continue to use this site, you will be deemed to have accepted any changes.

1.2. Terms

“User” is a person who uses this site or has signed up for the Newsletter list within this site.

The “site owner” is Pluma studios d.o.o..

“Terms of Use” are standard business terms and conditions defined in this document

1.3. Electronic communication

By visiting Pluma studios pages, you are communicating electronically. You hereby accept that all agreements, notices, announcements and other contents delivered to you electronically satisfy the legal framework as if they were made in written form.

1.4. Advice and texts

The advice and recommendations of individuals that you can read on the page are of an informative nature only, and you use them at your own risk. Although we try to hire the best experts from each field we deal with, if you have a more serious problem that is related to one of the topics you have read on this website, we recommend that you consult an expert in the said field, that is, that you act in accordance with his instructions.

We do not assume responsibility for any consequences arising from the use of advice or recommendations that you can find on this page.

2. Discounts and promotions

All discounts and promotions carried out by companies and brands that support the Pluma studios trading company are described in detail on this website. You can exercise your rights in an individual promotion or discount implemented as part of the Pluma studios trading company only during the duration of the individual promotion in accordance with the described conditions and rules.

Each company that carries out a specific action as part of the campaign is responsible for the warranty and quality of the delivered products, and by purchasing them you accept the Terms of Sale prescribed by the specific company or brand.

3. Privacy policy

This privacy policy explains how Pluma studios d.o.o. (hereinafter: “Pluma studios”) processes your personal data when using the website Pluma studios. Pluma studios is focused on the protection of your personal data and its processing in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Law on the Implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation.

Please read this policy carefully to understand why and how we collect your personal information and how it will be used.

Pluma studios d.o.o., Nova cesta 151, 10000 Zagreb is the controller of your personal data.

We have a personal data protection officer who you can contact via e-mail: info@plumastudios.com or at the address Nova cesta 151, 10000 Zagreb.

3.1. The purposes for which we process personal data

We process your personal data because legal regulations require us to perform certain actions, i.e. because processing is necessary for the execution of a contract, or in order to take actions before concluding a contract or based on our legitimate interests, except when those interests are stronger than those interests or the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals which require the protection of personal data.

If we cannot process personal data based on the stated legal grounds, we will ask for your consent. If the processing is based on your consent, you have the right to withdraw your consent at any time. The withdrawal of consent must be notified to the data controller by e-mail: info@plumastudios.com or at the address Nova cesta 151, 10000 Zagreb. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent prior to its withdrawal.

We process your personal data when necessary for marketing purposes, for the purpose of improving our business and your user experience (e.g. when you contact our customer service, when you sign up for our newsletter, when you fill out a survey about your data, our activities and services, etc.).

We generally collect personal data directly from you, when you fill out a specific form.

3.2. Categories of personal data

When you sign up for the Newsletter list, we collect your electronic mail address (e-mail address) and, if necessary, your first and last name and the age of your child.

When sending different codes with discounts to which you are entitled through actions carried out as part of the Pluma studios trading company, we may also ask you for additional information such as the number of the invoice or order as well as the date thereof, on the basis of which you are entitled to the discount, then your name and surnames and e-mail addresses.

Sometimes, in order to be able to exercise your rights to discounts communicated as part of the Pluma studios trading company, we ask you for additional personal information such as: education information, date of birth, gender, contact, payment address, delivery address, financial information including credit card, debit card or other payment information that you provide when filling out forms on Pluma studios websites, when making payments on Pluma studios websites, or when you communicate with us by phone or email, your purchase history of our products and services and additional information that you voluntarily choose to share with us. We also collect personal data that you provide when filling out online forms.

3.3. Your rights

Your rights are as follows:

Right of access

You have the right to receive confirmation from us as to whether your personal data is being processed, and if such personal data is being processed, access to the personal data. Access information includes – among other things – purposes of processing, categories of personal data in question, recipients or categories of recipients to whom the personal data has been or will be disclosed. However, this is not an absolute right and the interests of other individuals may limit your right of access.

You have the right to receive a copy of the personal data being processed. For further copies requested by you, we may charge a reasonable fee based on administrative costs.

Right to rectification

You have the right to obtain from us the correction of your incorrect personal data. Taking into account the purposes of the processing, you have the right to supplement incomplete personal data, including by providing an additional statement.

Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”)

Under certain conditions, you have the right to obtain from us the deletion of your personal data and we are obliged to delete such personal data.

The right to restriction of processing

Under certain conditions, you have the right to obtain from us the restriction of the processing of your personal data. In this case, the corresponding data will be marked and can only be processed for specific purposes.

The right to object

Under certain conditions, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data, for reasons related to your specific situation or when personal data are processed for the purpose of direct marketing, and you can ask us to no longer process your personal data.

The right to data transferability

Under certain conditions, you have the right to receive the personal data relating to you that you have provided to us in a structured, commonly usable and machine-readable format and you have the right to transfer that data to another controller, without our interference.

If you want to know more or want to use one or more of the above rights, please contact Pluma studios at e-mail: info@plumastudios.com or at the address Nova cesta 151, 10000 Zagreb.

If you are not satisfied with how we process your personal data, you can contact the Personal Data Protection Agency.

3.4. Storage of personal data

We store the personal data we collect about you in a secure environment. Your personal information is protected from unauthorized access, disclosure, use, alteration or destruction by any organization or individual.

The collected data will be stored only as long as it is necessary for the above purposes.

Your personal data will not be stored in a form that allows you to be identified for longer than Pluma studios reasonably considers necessary to achieve the purpose for which it was collected or processed. Pluma studios will store certain personal data for the period of time prescribed by the law or the regulation that obliges Pluma studios to store data.

If you have given us your consent, we will process your personal data until you withdraw your consent.

In case you declare a well-founded objection to the processing of personal data based on a legitimate interest, we will not process your personal data in the future.

Furthermore, if judicial, administrative or extrajudicial proceedings have been initiated, personal data may be stored until the end of such proceedings, including the possible period for filing legal remedies. Pluma studios will store certain personal data for the period of time prescribed by the law, i.e. the regulation that obliges the controller to store data.

3.5. Recipients of personal data

It is important to note that we can give your personal data to our reliable partners who maintain our IT system or provide services in the name and on behalf of Pluma studios, which manages the Pluma studios website. For example, for the purposes of marketing, finance, advertising, payment processing, delivery and other services on and off the website. The mentioned service providers are obliged, according to the relevant contracts, to use the data entrusted to them only in accordance with our guidelines and exclusively for the purpose that we have strictly determined. We also oblige them to adequately protect your data and to consider it a business secret.

In some cases, partners who provide services on behalf of or on behalf of Pluma studios may process your data outside the European Union. However, the contracts we conclude with such entities oblige them to handle your data with special security measures in accordance with the regulations in force in the European Union.

3.6. Cookies

We will retain and evaluate information about your recent visit to our website and how you used different parts of our website for analytical purposes, i.e. to understand how users use our website.

In order to maintain our website and ensure that its functionality is at the expected level, we use a technology known as ‘cookies’. Cookies are small files that we send to your computer and can access them later. They can be temporary or permanent. Thanks to cookies, you can search our pages without difficulty, and we can show you results that are relevant to you. Cookies show us what interests you and other visitors to our website, which helps us to improve it.

We use temporary cookies to, for example, enable you to use the shopping cart function on multiple pages.

Other cookies remain stored on your computer after the end of the browser session. These are the so-called permanent cookies. Permanent cookies enable automatic recognition of your browser on the next visit, so you do not have to repeat your preferred entries and settings.

Cookies allow us to optimally adapt the offer to users and make it more efficient and secure.

When you access our website, cookies collect information such as the date and time of access, the name of the called page, session ID, Referrer URL (previously visited website), the amount of data transferred, information about the name and version of the browser.

You can block the installation of cookies with the appropriate settings in your browser. Please note that in this case you will not be able to use all functions of our website.

Read more about the use of cookies and about regulating their settings on the Data Protection page.

The terms and conditions of use on the Pluma studios website refer to the use of the Pluma studios trading company website, i.e. www.citajsvojobebi.hr.